Tuesday, April 21, 2009

105 Mayors sign Action Challenge for Childern and Families

The National League of Cities, through its Institute for Youth, Education, and Families, is celebrating a milestone this month for the number of mayors signing The Majors' Action Challenge for Children and Families. Since the unveiling of the call to action in November 2008, over 100 mayors are committed to improve the outcome for every child by focusing on four key areas: opportunities to learn and grow, a safe neighborhood to call home, a healthy lifestyle and environment, and a financially fit family in which to thrive. Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper is among the outspoken advocates.

There is an exceptional quote included in the beginning of The Majors' Action Challenge for Children and Families. "Strong cities are built on a foundation of strong families and empowered neighborhoods that support every child. The steps we take to strengthen families and improve the outcomes for children and youth are among the most important investments we make in the health and vibrancy of our communities."

The sustainability of our cities encompasses more than the natural and built environment. The family is an essential contributor to ensure each community endures over time. The Majors' Action Challenge is a positive step towards supporting children and the family.

Check to see if your city's mayor has signed on.

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